Day 13: Happy New Year

Day 13
The end of the year that was 2022.
Not exactly a year I would request a do-over. Happy to leave it behind and look forward to what 2023 has in store.
I smelt it again this morning.
Every now and then, I get this whiff of a rather unpleasant smell.
No, it’s not a bottom burp. Obviously, I know when those are coming!
Come to think of it, I have not seen the housekeeper, Manuel, for a while. I’ll leave a note for him to find and eradicate the offending old sock odour.
Goodness, man, does he not know it’s New Year’s Eve? Everything must be perfect.
Last year’s new year’s party was good fun even though it was a dry night. We all had a bundle of fun.
This year’s party went off. No longer was Osiyeza a dry boat, but a 100ml of “the good stuff” had been snuck in on board by my beautiful wife, Judy. Pity, she could not make the party.
One sip of that Soet Wyn, and there was no holding me back.
Nurse Honeydew promised to look after me in the morning should I need any hangover assistance or anything else. She’s very kind for a lady with so much facial hair.

Nurse Honeydew

I kept our guests entertained until midnight, and can you believe the aft solar panels made for an exceptional dance floor?
We took turns dancing with nurse Honeydew. 💃🕺She sure had the “Moves Like Jagger”.
I did have to ask nurse Honeydew to take her high heels off lest they scuff the dance floor.
I suspect young Tighthead has a thing for the nurse. He seemed to get every second dance with her. Maybe they would make a cute couple.

Young Tighthead

Nurse Honeydew even got Patriot Pete to dance. He has been in such a foul mood since our defeat against Australia this week. Patriot Pete pulled out all his moves, but I am not sure they worked on the dance floor.

Patriot Pete

They ranged from holding his hand wide apart and turning around, throwing both arms high into the air, the silly one-arm swing back and forth across the chest, or the one that upset everyone the most was the one hand, one finger pointing in your face move ☝. I do terribly hope we can snatch a victory at the next game. It’s sad to see him suffer like this.
Nurse Honeydew did her best to teach us all the Samba. Yes, we live in the hope that we can make it to Brazil in time for Carnival. 🤞
We did not have any champagne to pop off at midnight, so I suggested shooting off a flare instead.
That’s what you do at midnight?
Young Tighthead was egging me on, but old man Greylocks gave us a stern talking to about the dangers not only for us but should someone see the flare, they would want to come and join us, and there really isn’t enough room for more guests. He had a valid point.

Old man Greylocks

Bugeyes had helped himself to a head scarf and sat quietly in the background, sipping his mineral-free water and trying to smoke a permanent marker. He’s new to the group and does not warm up as easily as Nurse Honeydew.


It was a stellar evening, and I hope you had as much fun as we did. 