Entries by carmen

Popular Mechanics

So stoked to be featured in one of my favorite magazines. Six full pages in Popular Mechanics Thank you to the editor Mark Samuel who joined me for a photoshoot for the magazine and did an amazing write up on my next adventure. Grab your copy now.

Seaport Supply

What happens when a sponsor becomes more than just a sponsor? This is the story of Seaport Supply and Graeme Taylor. Graeme was one of the very first to get excited about my #OceanX project and has helped to open many doors. They continuously come up with solutions that has made the fitting out of […]

GivenGain Foundation February Fundraise of the Month

An important accolate to have… I am honored to be GivenGain Foundation’s February Fundraiser of the Month! So far we have raised over R10000 for Operation Smile. So far this will change the lives of 2 children who will receive life changing surgery for cleft palates. Changing the world one smile at a time If […]

Covid-19 delays Richard Kohler’s Ocean X adventure departure

I would be lying if I said wasn’t bitterly disappointed that I have no choice but to postpone my mammoth Ocean X odyssey to Salvador in Brazil on the South American continent – this has been a dream of mine for 10 years! My planning began three years ago, but with all the uncertainty around […]

ALTSA partner with Richard Kohler’s Ocean X odyssey

We are proud to announce that ALTSA has been named as the presenting partner for Richard Kohler’s Ocean X odyssey. Gerhard Moolman, CEO of ALTSA, is no stranger to the demands of the open ocean and is excited to be a main sponsor of Richard’s mammoth expedition of paddling unsupported from Cape Town in an […]

WIN a chance to name my Ocean X kayak

Back in 2016, Britain’s Natural Environment Research Council introduced a public contest to name a new ship. That plan backfired with voters overwhelmingly supporting a name that a British radio presenter submitted, Boaty McBoatface. Since then we have had Ferry McFerryface, Trainy McTrainface and even Horsy McHorseface and no one has gone so far to […]

Paddling for Smiles (Operation Smile)

As I count down the weeks left until I set off for my Ocean X adventure to Brazil, I have chosen to support and raise funds for Operation Smile South Africa, a charity that advocates for children born with cleft lift and cleft palates in South Africa. It takes a 45 minute life-changing surgery to […]

Kayak build – half way there

We’ve reached the end of the third week of my Ocean X kayak build. Last week we invited some special guests who have helped my dream come true to have a private viewing of the boat build. Thank you to my build team Dylan from Further Composites, Phil Southwell and Richard Bertie for your time […]

Gadget review – Solar Kettle

If my cooker packed up or I ran out of fuel would this solar kettle be a viable option to heat water to re-constitute a freeze dried meal? Let me know what you think?

My Ocean X kayak build has begun

Things are getting real… Got my first look at my Ocean X kayak being built by Further Composites. Timber frames form the shape of the 8m long hull. The core material will be stripped and formed to the hull shape before laminating the first of the outer skins. I chatted to Dylan, the boat builder […]